Home / Tag winter (season) 15

- Celebrate the New Year (2008-12-31 DSC00880)
Celebrate the New Year, but please celebrate responsibly! Pick a designated driver or take a taxi. Don't drink and drive.
I stopped by Costco this morning to pick up a pumpkin pie for tonight's dinner (probably the last one for the season *cry*). I thought that these wine bottles might make a nice photo. Ironically, I didn't buy any alcohol. We will be celebrating the new year with sparkling peach juice. Yummy!
The warehouse lights are not the best lighting, so I touched up the color a bit in Photoshop on my laptop--the first time I've used my laptop for color tweaking, so hopefully its calibration is pretty close to right. I also blanked out the prices and item numbers on this low-res image to make it a bit more reusable.
The following page(s)/site(s) are re-using this image correctly, or nearly so, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. I would like to thank the authors for being considerate and crediting me for my work. Note, however, that I am not affiliated with these sites or their owners, nor do I support, endorse, or recommend their sites, products, or services.
- Figaro, Le. «Interdire la vente d’alcool ne sert qu’à rassurer les habitants.» Le Figaro.fr, 19-Jul-2011: http://plus.lefigaro.fr/note/interdire-la-vente-dalcool-ne-sert-qua-rassurer-les-habitants-20110719-508831
- Ladd, Mary. "Wine: Stock Up on These Three Wallet-Friendly Wines From Costco." SF Weekly, 03-Dec-2012: http://www.sfweekly.com/foodie/2012/12/03/stock-up-on-these-three-wallet-friendly-wines-from-costco
- Ryotarotakao. "ワイン専門家が高いワインを買わなくなった理由とは?" WineCarte (ワインカルテ) 08-Sep-2011: http://wine.ryotarotakao.com/archives/1309
- Willman, Marissa. "Food & Drink: The dos and don’ts of bringing alcohol on a flight." CheapFlights.com, 19-Oct-2014: http://www.cheapflights.com/news/dos-and-donts-alcohol-on-a-flight/
- Wilson, Sara. "That's the Spirit." Los Angeles Magazine, 01-Dec-2010: http://www.lamag.com/longform/that39s-the-spirit/
The following page(s)/site(s) appear to be violating the license terms, and therefore have stolen my work. I definitely do not support, endorse, or recommend them since they cannot even comply with my very generous licensing terms. I am requesting that they comply or remove my work.
- iwradio.co.uk/news/new-legislation-introduced-alcohol-sales
- janderson99.hubpages.com/hub/Terrific-Terroir-Tantalises-Wine-Loving-Taste-Buds
- surfacetoair.co.za
- www.atlasaim-international.com/en/about.php
- www.mi-bars.com/stores.htm
- www.wino4life.com (which used this image on at least 3 pages):
- www.wino4life.com/2013/01/take-journey-of-food-wine-discovery-try.html
- www.wino4life.com/2014_03_01_archive.html
- www.wino4life.com/2013_01_01_archive.html
Front of the California State Capitol Building at Night - porch detail closeup (DSC00265)Front of the California State Capitol Building at Night - forced perspective (DSC00260)Front of the California State Capitol Building at Night - vertical, slight angle (DSC00259)Front of the California State Capitol Building at Night - closeup (DSC00256)Front of the California State Capitol Building at Night - vertical (DSC00253)Front of the California State Capitol Building at Night - darker (DSC00250)Front of the California State Capitol Building at Night - lighter (DSC00246)State Capitol - Closeup (DSC00244)State Capitol - moving in closer (DSC00243)California State Capitol Building at night, Sacramento (DSC00242)California State Capitol Building at night, Sacramento (DSC00232)Tower Books, Tower Records, and Plaza Hof Brau in Sacramento (DSC00220)Tower Records, Sacramento (DSC00218)Friends in High SchoolMy high school Students Against Driving Drunk club put on an annual Valentine's fund-raiser, taking photos of friends and couples. In this picture, I'm with my friends Eric Bough, Matt Debernardi, and Tony Givogue.
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