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- Techie Collage (CISW 350 Photoshop Assignment)
Choose 1 descriptive/action word about you. Start your project large: 3000 x 2400 (to be saved as .psd). Must be at least 5 layers; all layers must be labeled. Must have these layers:
- Your descriptive word (can be big in background, can be all over, etc. - make it noticeable)
- A photo of you (you can filter, etc.); a large face shot or an action shot make the most interesting collage
- Your name signed like a signature in bottom right hand corner
- The others are your choice - try to make it a collage about you. Think about it as a portfolio website and someone hits the "About Me" link. What collage photos would describe you?
You will save and turn in the file in 3 ways: (1) Save large file with layers as .psd; (2) save large file for .jpg print (Save As > .jpg); (3) Compress and Save for Web: Change the image size of file to 1000 wide and Save for Web (compressed saved as .jpg) under 300KB.
Here is a sample list of words: devoted, sweet, cool, lost, determined, puzzled, random, confused, peaceful, driven, amazing, fierce, unforeseen, and graceful
I've been a "techie" my whole life, as you can see from these photos. Background photos (L-R, top to bottom):
- At a computer in the 90's
- Playing with toy cars as a wee lad
- Representing the California IPv6 Task Force at a convention
- Showing off the printout of one of my first programs
- (hiding between the "e" and the "c") My first camera
- (between "c" and "h") Co-instructor at a weekend science program for youth
- A "face shot" of me
- 14 servers and a bundle of cabling in the server room where I last worked
- Me assembling a stereo system for my grandparents
- Co-camp director at Space Endeavour Camp at Vandenberg AFB helping kids launch their first model rockets
- At a rocket launch hosted by the model rocketry and R/C aircraft club I helped found
- Working as staff at a computer at the Endeavour Academy, an applied sciences program at my old high school
- A vendor at the GovTech conference in Sacramento
Inside the letters:
- T: The mainboard (motherboard) of a computer I built myself [Darkone, CC BY-SA 2.5]
- e: Nikon lens I would like for my camera [Hiyotada, CC0]
- c: Some Dell servers [DSV, Public Domain]
- h: Samsung Galaxy S6 (my newest smart phone) [Kārlis Dambrāns, CC BY 2.0]
- i: Baofeng UV-5R handitalkie amateur radio (lic #KK6UAJ) [Baofeng]
- dot over i: A laser refracting (just because it looks cool!) [CILAS, CC BY-SA 3.0]
- e: Java code I wrote in CISP 401 last year
Instructor's comments
WOW! You put a lot of work into this one. It turned our fantastic ~
- Rescued Kitten 3/3 (DSC00315)