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- UC Davis 2015 Fall Commencement Graduates
For details, please see: WillMurrayMedia.com/go/staspribytkovskyucdgrad
- UC Davis 2015 Fall Commencement Speakers
For details, please see: WillMurrayMedia.com/go/staspribytkovskyucdgrad
- Caribbean Birds
A collection of carved tropical birds that used to belong to my grandparents. The tucan is from Aruba, the large parrot on the left only says "DC" on the bottom, the red and green parrots also are from Aruba, the yellow one is from Bonaire.
- Medusa's Head (Chalk)
This is a creepy, but nicely rendered, chalk art piece of Medusa's snake-covered head. I found it drwan on the sidewalk at the corner of 15th and K Streets in midtown Sacramento.
- Art Supplies
A carefully piled grouping of art and photography supplies. This was created for use in a "searching" or "find the differences" type of game.
- Abstract Light Trails: I-80 Neon (DSC0366)
Light trails from vehicles and signs along Interstate 80, heavily adjusted in Adobe Lightroom to enhance the artistic effect.
- Abstract Light Trails: I-80 Blue (DSC0352)
Light trails from vehicles and signs along Interstate 80, heavily adjusted in Adobe Lightroom to enhance the artistic effect.
- Thank You Vets
Thank you to all who have answered the call of duty and served, or continue to serve, in the military. Regardless of political agenda, you deserve this honor for doing that which is largely unthinkable to the rest of us, so that we can continue to live our lives as we do. Whether you served on the front lines or in some back office, whether you nursed someone back to health or killed someone on the battlefield, you have offered your life for your country and your fellow countrymen (and women), and you are worthy of our profound thanks. Today we honor you and take this moment to thank you, because there is little else we can do to repay the debt we owe to all those who serve. — Willscrlt, 11 Nov. 2014
- American Bison
ART 320, 2013-12-03, Project 6b, Split Complementary Colors (YO-Y-B), “American Bison Landscape”
- “Dualité pacifique(Peaceful Duality)” in acrylic paint
ART 320, 2013-11-05, Project 4a, Symmetrical Balance, Monochromatic, “Dualité pacifique(Peaceful Duality)” in acrylic
This is the finished painting done in acrylic paint on Bristol board. You also may view my original digital design I used as a template to draw the outlines for the painting.
- “Dualité pacifique(Peaceful Duality)” in digital media
ART 320, 2013-11-05, Project 4a, Symmetrical Balance, Monochromatic, “Dualité pacifique(Peaceful Duality)” in digital media.
This is the preliminary digital drawing I did prior to painting. You also may view the finished acrylic painting that I based on this drawing.
- Twilight at Harbour Town Lighthouse
ART 320, 2013-11-04, Project 4b, Asymmetrical Balance, Complementary Colors, “Twilight at HarbourTown Lighthouse, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina”
- Six-Pointed Triangle Stars in Blues
ART 320, 2013-11-03, “Six-Pointed Triangle Stars in Blues—Digital Sketch”
- Color Wheel
ART 320, 2013-10-15, Project 3, Color Wheel and Gray Scale Chart, Color-Aid 314 Pallet
- Origami Cranes at the Crocker Art Museum
Stings of origami cranes on display in a hallway window at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, CA.
- Eagle with Flags
- Ad Astra per Disciplina et Scientia with Gulls
"Ad Astra per Disciplina et Scientia" means "To the stars through study/discipline and knowledge/science" (at least that's what I believe it means, not actually ever having studied Latin). It seemed appropriate given my return to college and my studies in computer science and engineering. This Facebook cover photo was cropped from a larger photo of the Sacramento River Marina, where these gulls were flying around searching for food. The sun flare was Photoshopped into the picture to better tie in with the quotation.
This composite digital image by Will Murray ("Willscrlt") was completed at 11:39 PM on Monday, 9 April 2012. The included photo (DSC00971) of flying gulls was taken by Will Murray ("Willscrlt") at 10:35 AM on 19 January 2009 at the Sacramento Marina on Marina View Dr.
This low-resolution version of the work is copyright ©2012 by Will Murray ("Willscrlt"). It is hereby released under a Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives (CC-BY-ND-3.0) license. The work may be reused individually as-is (but may not be modified or used as part of a derivative work) subject to the terms of the license, most notably the requirements of no derivative usage and to provide proper attribution. At a minimum, attribution should include the name(s) of the creator(s) identified above, along with a printed or working hyperlink to www.WillMurray.name or directly to this page. Higher resolution versions of this image and usage not permitted under the terms of the listed license may be available under a commercial license by contacting me.
If you do use this image, I would appreciate it if you let me know where and how you used it. So far, it has been used:
- Nowhere reported yet.
- Twitter: Geometric Blue Background
This is a background I made from scratch using various filters and drawing tools in Photoshop.
- Faux Neon Cocktails Sign
This is a stylized imitation of a vintage neon "Cocktails" sign with a blue martini glass, yellow pick with a green olive and red pimento, and the word "Cocktails" in hot pink across it. The entire image is tilted at a jaunty angle (or is the viewer just a bit tipsy?).
I made this for a Wikipedia WikiProject group. The original resizable, non-watermarked image is available for download at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Faux_Neon_Cocktails_Sign.svg
- ISOCT Logo
This design is part of a logo that I designed for a business.
- Acanthus Emblem
This is a logo that I designed for a business. It is a stylized leaf from an acanthus plant.
- Blazing Triangles Logo
This is a logo that I designed for an organization.
- W Monogram
This is a monogram that I made using Photoshop in 2003.
- Will Murray Consultants Logo
This is the logo for my sole proprietorship, Will Murray Consultants. It was an information technology consultancy that worked with smaller businesses and non-profit organizations to provide them with I.T. support at reasonable rates.
- CCAMS Logo
I made this logo for the model rocket and R/C aircraft club, Central Coast Aerospace Modeling Society (CCAMS), that I founded in 1996.