Home / Tag gray (color) 9

- Art Supplies
A carefully piled grouping of art and photography supplies. This was created for use in a "searching" or "find the differences" type of game.
- Thank You Vets
Thank you to all who have answered the call of duty and served, or continue to serve, in the military. Regardless of political agenda, you deserve this honor for doing that which is largely unthinkable to the rest of us, so that we can continue to live our lives as we do. Whether you served on the front lines or in some back office, whether you nursed someone back to health or killed someone on the battlefield, you have offered your life for your country and your fellow countrymen (and women), and you are worthy of our profound thanks. Today we honor you and take this moment to thank you, because there is little else we can do to repay the debt we owe to all those who serve. — Willscrlt, 11 Nov. 2014
- Color Wheel
ART 320, 2013-10-15, Project 3, Color Wheel and Gray Scale Chart, Color-Aid 314 Pallet
- 56 Tiny Drawings
- Clocks—Gears
ART 300, 2013-08-04, Final Project 2, Marker and Graphite, “Clocks—Gears”
- Pomegranate, Curly Dock, and Sunflower
ART 300, 2013-07-17, P3, Ex. 03, Texture 3, Three Textured Objects, “Pomegranate, Curly Dock, and Sunflower”
- What’s Cookin’ Doc?
ART 300, 2013-07-12, P2, Ex. 06, Ambiguous Positive-Negative Composition, Kitchen Utensils, “What’s Cookin’ Doc?”
In this assignment I had to design a picture that filled the negative space (the normally boring background portions of the drawing) with active content that made it ambiguous as to what is the active space and what is the negative space (i.e., what is the foreground and what is the background).
- Eagle with Flags
- Will in Crystal
An early Photoshop graphic of my name.