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- UC Davis 2015 Fall Commencement Speakers
For details, please see: WillMurrayMedia.com/go/staspribytkovskyucdgrad
- Caribbean Birds
A collection of carved tropical birds that used to belong to my grandparents. The tucan is from Aruba, the large parrot on the left only says "DC" on the bottom, the red and green parrots also are from Aruba, the yellow one is from Bonaire.
- Art Supplies
A carefully piled grouping of art and photography supplies. This was created for use in a "searching" or "find the differences" type of game.
- New Year's Eve at the Capitol
This is what the California State Capitol Building looked like on New Year's Eve 2014. The state Christmas tree, with it's beautiful star tree-topper is on the right.
This was taken with my very special Christmas present, a new Nikon D5300 camera with kit 18-55mm and 55-300mm lenses. I also have learned how to stack images in Photoshop, and this image is a stacked collection of 5 images in total. These were taken at ISO 2000 with the telephoto lens at at f/10 @ 1/20 sec; f/4.5 @ 1/160 sec, 1/80 sec, 1/40 sec, and 1/25 sec to give a variety of exposures for the stacked result.
- Cow with Curled Tongue - DSC0064
- Garden Gnome
- April 2014 Lunar Eclipse (1/2)
Photograph of the "Blood Moon" during the 14/15th of April lunar eclipse. The Moon was located in the constellation Virgo, and the bright star next to the Moon is Spica.
Fortunately, the sky was clear at this time, though high clouds had occluded the view before and shortly after this. These two photos were taken at 1:04 and 1:06 AM, and the peak was around 12:45 AM, so you can see a little white reappearing at the bottom of the Moon as it starts to move out of the Earth's shadow.
I took this photo in a park near my home, and the automatic irrigation sprinklers turned on as I was taking the last photo. I got a little soaked, but I managed to keep the camera mostly dry.
This was taken with my Olympus FE-4000 point-and-shoot digital camera using a tripod and the night mode setting. I wish the camera would accommodate a telephoto lens so I could have gotten a closer view. The viewfinder didn't show me anything until I pressed the shutter button to snap the picture. I had to use my cell phone camera placed atop the camera to orient it in the right direction, and then take multiple photos with the Olympus, making minor corrections in alignment after each shot, to get the Moon and Spica centered in the frame.
- April 2014 Lunar Eclipse (2/2)
Photograph of the "Blood Moon" during the 14/15th of April lunar eclipse. The Moon was located in the constellation Virgo, and the bright star next to the Moon is Spica.
Fortunately, the sky was clear at this time, though high clouds had occluded the view before and shortly after this. These two photos were taken at 1:04 and 1:06 AM, and the peak was around 12:45 AM, so you can see a little white reappearing at the bottom of the Moon as it starts to move out of the Earth's shadow.
I took this photo in a park near my home, and the automatic irrigation sprinklers turned on as I was taking the last photo. I got a little soaked, but I managed to keep the camera mostly dry.
This was taken with my Olympus FE-4000 point-and-shoot digital camera using a tripod and the night mode setting. I wish the camera would accommodate a telephoto lens so I could have gotten a closer view. The viewfinder didn't show me anything until I pressed the shutter button to snap the picture. I had to use my cell phone camera placed atop the camera to orient it in the right direction, and then take multiple photos with the Olympus, making minor corrections in alignment after each shot, to get the Moon and Spica centered in the frame.
- Happy St. Patrick's Day
Happy St. Patrick's Day / Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh
This is my own take on a hand-drawn Leprechaun's Hat with a black band and golden buckle. It includes the Gaelic phrase for "Happy St. Patrick's Day" under the hat, and there is light shading all around the hat to make an overall circular shape to the design.
This obviously is more of a U.S.-centric St. Patrick's Day motif than a traditional Irish one. After all, the color associated with St. Patrick is blue, not green. And, leprechauns traditionally wear cocked-hats (like a tricorne) or possibly derbies. However, here in the U.S. our wee folk seem to dress in green and prefer this style of hat. :-)
- Tasty Cake
ART 320, 2013-11-16, Project 5b, Complementary Colors, “Tasty Cake”
- Twilight at Harbour Town Lighthouse
ART 320, 2013-11-04, Project 4b, Asymmetrical Balance, Complementary Colors, “Twilight at HarbourTown Lighthouse, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina”
- Color Wheel
ART 320, 2013-10-15, Project 3, Color Wheel and Gray Scale Chart, Color-Aid 314 Pallet
- Abstract Stairway
This stairway is at the Doubletree Hotel in Sacramento, CA.
- Lighthouse in Wales
ART 320, 2013-10-08, Project 2A, Representational in Pen, “Lighthouse in Wales”
Talacre Lighthouse in North Wales. My drawing is based on the photograph "A moment to remember (EXPLORE)" by Steve Wilson, which was available on Flickr under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license on 23-Sep-2013.
- 56 Tiny Drawings
- Clocks—Gears
ART 300, 2013-08-04, Final Project 2, Marker and Graphite, “Clocks—Gears”
- Classroom Still Life 2
ART 300, 2013-07-24, P3, Ex. 05, Black and White Charcoal on Gray Paper, “Classroom Still Life 2”
- Pomegranate, Curly Dock, and Sunflower
ART 300, 2013-07-17, P3, Ex. 03, Texture 3, Three Textured Objects, “Pomegranate, Curly Dock, and Sunflower”
- What’s Cookin’ Doc?
ART 300, 2013-07-12, P2, Ex. 06, Ambiguous Positive-Negative Composition, Kitchen Utensils, “What’s Cookin’ Doc?”
In this assignment I had to design a picture that filled the negative space (the normally boring background portions of the drawing) with active content that made it ambiguous as to what is the active space and what is the negative space (i.e., what is the foreground and what is the background).
- CD and Case
ART 300, 2013-06-18, P1, Sketch 01, Geometric Shapes in Graphite, “CD and Case”
View details about this work, including the assignment, my comment, a materials list, and technical details. Leave a comment of your own, and view comments by others, too. - Paisley
ART 300, 2013-06-18, P1, Sketch 03, Organic Shapes in Charcoal, “Paisley”
- Murray Clan Badge
This is my original version of the badge for the Scottish Clan Murray.
You can download a CC-BY-SA-3.0-US licensed, non-watermarked version of this image from my blog at http://blog.willmurray.name/msg/murray-clan-badge-by-willscrlt/
- Blazing Triangles Logo
This is a logo that I designed for an organization.