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- Lake Scene (CISW 350 Photoshop Assignment)
Assignment: Using various tools (paintbrushes, patterns, selection tools, etc.) paint a simple "lake" scene. Size it appropriately for displaying on the Web.
- Garden Gnome
- Tasty Cake
ART 320, 2013-11-16, Project 5b, Complementary Colors, “Tasty Cake”
- 56 Tiny Drawings
- Twitter: Grassy Background
This image became my Twitter background image on Earth Day 2012 (22 April). I found the beautiful blowing ornamental grass growing at the base of a skyscraper in downtown Sacramento. I added some texture filters and a slight blur to the photo to give it more of an artsy feel.
This composite digital image by Will Murray ("Willscrlt") was completed Sunday, 22 April 2012. The included photo (SAM_0748) of blowing ornamental grass was taken by Will Murray ("Willscrlt") at 10:02 AM on Saturday, 21 April 2012 at near N St. in the alley between 5th St. and 6th St.
This work is copyright ©2012 by Will Murray ("Willscrlt"), and all rights are reserved worldwide. This image may be available under a commercial license by contacting me and explaining your needs.
- Acanthus Emblem
This is a logo that I designed for a business. It is a stylized leaf from an acanthus plant.
- Post Office, Fallen Leaf, Cal, 96151